V-Bind – Attribute Class Binding with Vue

V-Bind is a Vue kind of way to bind data to attributes or classes. This means that you can bind data to an attribute or event using v-bind or : for short. Doing this you can manipulate the display of a selector, content of an attribute and more.

Binding data to an Attribute

In this example we simply add a title attribute text to the title tag of a button with v-bind. You will see how easy it is to bind data to an attribute this way. By adding:


to the button we make the button title attribute accessible by Vue. To replace title by a text we want we add data object to the Vue instance and add it there:

data: {
 title: 'Now the title is being set through JavaScript'

When you now hover over the button you will see the text as defined in the data object. Here is the full example below:



As Vue is reactive we can change the data in the background and see that happen in the foreground. With the Vue Chrome extension installed open the console and add

$vm0.title = "Something else";

Vue Console

You will then see that the title has changed hovering over the button:

v-bind reactivity

And that is reactivity at work. And at the same time you see the binding in action.

Binding data to an Attribute

In this example we simply add a title attribute text to the title tag of a button with v-bind. You will see how easy it is to bind data to an attribute this way. By adding:


to the button we make the button title attribute accessible by Vue. To replace title by a text we want we add data object to the Vue instance and add it there:

data: {
 title: 'Now the title is being set through JavaScript'

When you now hover over the button you will see the text as defined in the data object. Here is the full example below:



As Vue is reactive we can change the data in the background and see that happen in the foreground. With the Vue Chrome extension installed open the console and add

$vm0.title = "Something else";

Vue Console

You will then see that the title has changed hovering over the button:

v-bind reactivity

And that is reactivity at work. And at the same time you see the binding in action.

Class Object Binding

We can pass an object to v-bind:class to dynamically toggle classes:


Here the class unSplashThumbActive will be decided by the truthiness of the isActive data object. That data object can be set, set as null or as a fillable array. In our case isActive: {}

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Jasper Frumau

Jasper has been working with web frameworks and applications such as Laravel, Magento and his favorite CMS WordPress including Roots Trellis and Sage for more than a decade. He helps customers with web design and online marketing. Services provided are web design, ecommerce, SEO, content marketing. When Jasper is not coding, marketing a website, reading about the web or dreaming the internet of things he plays with his son, travels or run a few blocks.