Laravel Vue EventBus vs Props. When should you use properties and when should you use an EventBus? This is not really a Vue / Laravel issue only, but one you
December 2017
Month: December 2017
The Jupiter Page Background Image Position can be a challenge with certain images. Sometimes the background image added behind your page winds up looking horribly cut off. So how can
Just today WordPress asked me to enter FTP Credetials to proceed after I adjusted an image using the Jupiter interface for header images. This had never happened before on any
We bumped into an PHP Strict standards: Declaration of A should be compatible with B issues.We had a theme made by us quite some time stop working recently. One we
When I ran Algolia Search with WP Rocket I bumped into WP Rocket Algolia Search Conflict. With JavaScript Minification turned on I got several errors JavaScript Errors I got this
Let’s face it, WordPress built-in search kind of blows. You can improve search and boost sales with Algolia Search. It will upgrade search to site wide search including products and